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BG-RO E-Governet Cross-border Platform for Administrative Services


Bulgaria supports the adoption of the Berlin Declaration on a Digital Society

The government has approved a national position on the signing of the "Berlin Declaration on Digital Society and Value-Based Digital Government".

The initiative was launched in July 2020, at the same time as the German Presidency of the Council of the EU, and aims to build on the Tallinn Declaration on e-Government signed in 2017 during the Estonian Presidency (adopted at a ministerial meeting on 6 October 2017).

The proposed declaration emphasizes the importance of the digital transformation, especially against the background of unforeseen events on the scale of the COVID-19 pandemic. The document underlines the strong commitment of governments to ensure the security and reliability of digital technologies and services. The inextricable link between digital transformation and digital participation is taken into account. The user-centered approach is maintained, but the need to bring administrations as leaders in the implementation of digital transformations is emphasized.

The Declaration draws particular attention to the need for greater advocacy for fundamental human rights in digitalisation and for ensuring that they are exercised in balance with the freedoms and rights of others. The focus of the Berlin Declaration is on: guaranteeing "digital sovereignty", as well as introducing mechanisms and creating powers for data subjects to control the information shared and their "digital footprint".

Bulgaria supports the adoption of the Berlin Declaration on the Digital Society, which is fully in the spirit of European strategies and policies aimed at enhancing security, digital literacy, the fight against crime in the digital environment, and ensuring equal participation in the process of digital transformation and protection. of basic human rights and values.

In view of the severe pandemic situation related to COVID-19, the conference scheduled for December 8, 2020 in Berlin, Germany will be held online. For Bulgaria, the Declaration will be signed virtually by the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic and Demographic Policy and Minister of Tourism, Ms. Mariana Nikolova.


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