DAEU will control the costs of ICT and e-government in the administrations with a new information system
The State Agency for e-Government will exercise in an entirely new way transparent control over the appropriateness of the costs for ICT and e-government in the administrative bodies at the levels of budgeting, planning and implementation of projects and conducting public procurement for information systems.
This is possible with the already prepared Information System for preliminary, current and subsequent control, as appropriate, in the field of e-government and Project Register. The system and the Register are developed under the project "Development of public registers for budget and project control of e-government and a portal for access to resources for development of software systems for e-government", for which DAEU is a beneficiary, said Stoyan Tsonev, project manager .
The benefits for the administrative bodies from the developed ones under the Project were demonstrated in real time:
Information system for preliminary, current and subsequent control, as appropriate, in the field of e-government and Project Register (https://budgetcontrol.egov.bg), which provide opportunities for:
- implementation by DAEU of an entirely new control over the appropriateness of the costs for ICT and e-government of the administrative bodies;
- facilitating and automating to the maximum extent the manner in which the administrative bodies perform their duties in connection with the provisions of Art. 7c, item 10, art. 7d, art. 7e, art. 56 and Art. 58a of the Electronic Government Act;
- facilitating and accelerating the work, as well as ensuring control at a higher level of the internal procedures for ensuring the legal obligations of the chairman of DAEU.
Public module of the System and the Register (https://projectregister.egov.bg), which provides access to all approved costs of the administrative bodies for ICT and e-government, their projects, public procurement for construction of information systems, including their status of performance, etc.
Developer portal (https://dev.egov.bg), which provides access to a public repository with a system for controlling the version of the source code of all projects for the development, upgrade or implementation of information systems or electronic services .
Provided through the Developer Portal a new electronic administrative service of DAEU "Provision of source code for software development with confirmed identity compliance" (https://iisda.government.bg/adm_services/services/service/6346).
The implementation of the project provides an opportunity for the optimization of the costs for information technologies in the administration, termination of the re-realization of identical public procurements and increase of the transparency in spending public funds for e-government. Through the new Developer Portal, the state will have the opportunity to use repeatedly and without duplication of public expenditures, for the needs of various administrations, ready-made software developments that are owned by the state, Tsonev stressed.
The project has a total value of BGN 722,557 and is funded by the Operational Program "Good Governance" 2014-2020, according to a grant agreement № BG05SFOP001-1.002-0010-C01 / 23.08.2017.
Source: e-gov.bg
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