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BG-RO E-Governet Cross-border Platform for Administrative Services


Equal access to digital education and services will prevent digital divide between Bulgarian citizens

One of the biggest challenges for e-government in Bulgaria is how to motivate citizens to demand and use e-services.

We must not allow for a digital divide between Bulgarian citizens. This calls for equal access to digital education and equal access to digital services. This is what the chairman of the State Agency for Electronic Management (DAEU) Atanas Temelkov told the participants in the Global Forum of Women Leaders in Business, which took place in the National Palace of Culture under the motto "Inspiring Digital Leaders of the Future". The Forum is part of the program of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU and is under the patronage of the European Commissioner for the Digital Economy and Society Maria Gabriel.

Atanas Temelkov pointed out that one of the biggest challenges for e-government in Bulgaria is how to motivate citizens to demand and use e-services, including e-banking and online shopping. Currently, the vast majority of Bulgarian citizens - over 80 per cent - use the Internet for other purposes.

After the government in 2017 removed the 12 most-required certificates, this year, as many documentary documents will stop being demanded by citizens and business, Atanas Temelkov announced by presenting key policy priorities. e-government in Bulgaria. Together with partner institutions, ESSEE is also working on a number of initiatives to increase the digital skills of young people and cyber security and cyber hygiene, Atanas Temelkov added.

The State Agency for Electronic Governance, more than 60 per cent of the managers, and more than 60 per cent of the total number of employees, are women. 92 per cent of them have higher education. "If this trend persists, the State Agency for Electronic Governance will become one of the leading people in the country with regard to the women working in the field of digital technologies", added the Chair of the EAU.

Among the participants in the discussion were Commissioner Maria Gabriel, Bulgarian EU Council Presidency Minister Ljiljana Pavlova, Sofia Mayor Yordanka Fandakova, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Policy Zornitsa Rusinova, representatives of business in Bulgaria, diplomats.


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