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BG-RO E-Governet Cross-border Platform for Administrative Services


SAEU provides access to a new electronic one-time assistance service through a centralized request

State Agency for Electronic Government provides access to a new electronic one-time assistance service for citizens of the Social Assistance Agency: 421 "One-time assistance under the Rules for Implementation of the Social Assistance Act", through the Single Portal for Access to Electronic Administrative Services services

This service enables citizens to electronically be able to apply for one-off assistance, which is granted for incidentally occurring health, educational, communal and other vital needs, in accordance with the Rules for Implementation of the Social Assistance Act. The service is especially up-to-date during the state of emergency and it will be able to benefit parents of children up to 12 years of age who have been on unpaid leave for at least 20 days due to their inability to work from home.

To request the service, you need to have a secure electronic service system account ( To verify your identity when registering with the system, you must have a Qualified electronic signature or a 10-digit alphanumeric Personal Identification Code (PIC) of the National Social Security Institute (NSSI) You can send the completed and stored form, as well as the necessary supporting documents through the Secure Electronic Service System to the Social Assistance Directorate will address.


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