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DAEU recommends accelerated modernization and completion of shared e-government resources

The Government approved the Status Report and the Annual Plan for the Development and Upgrading of the Information Resources in the Administration and the EESM.

The government approved the status report and Annual Plan for the development and renovation of information resources administration and an electronic communications network. The document, prepared by the State Agency "Electronic Governance", outlines the current state of information resources administration in the period August 1, 2017-July 31, 2018, and the main achievements and policy guidelines for the implementation of e-government in Bulgaria.

The main emphasis is placed on efforts to reduce the administrative burden on citizens and businesses, the elimination of paper exchange between all administrations, the expansion of the service data exchange, as well as already available for citizens to control how the administrations use their data. It underlined the necessity of accelerated modernization and completion of the infrastructure of shared resources on e-governance.

According to the agreed statement means eGovernment and ICT administrations should be linked to performance of specific investments. Users of e-government should be given more accessible and usable electronic services.

It is envisaged that all administrations to set in their triennial budget estimates expenses for protection against unwanted software and to provide backup and archive data from all records, information systems and documentation that support. In 2018 and 2019 the focus of efforts to develop e-government are the real actions to integrate the information systems of administrations with central and horizontal systems of e-governance.

A summary of the document. The full text of the document is published in the "About Agency / open government."


Status report and annual development plan and updating of information resources administration and an electronic communications network outline incomplete but relatively comprehensive snapshot of the status and trends in the development of information resources in public administration, as well as guidelines in the ongoing actions policy implementation eGovernment in Bulgaria. They outline the status and development of horizontal and centralized systems of eGovernment, providing administrative services as well as state and planned development of shared information infrastructure for the needs of eGovernment.

In pursuance of the first plan development and updating of information resources prepared in August 2017, DAEU develop an architecture of e-government in Bulgaria, which will ensure sustainability, transparency and predictability of operations, security and technical neutrality of system solutions , effectiveness and efficiency of the resources used for e-governance.


Providing quality, efficient and accessible electronic services (EUA) for citizens and businesses is a major focus of policy eGovernment in Bulgaria since the establishment of the State Agency "Electronic Governance". As of July 2018 1577 Services are 3 level and 221 services are 4 levels. For more than half (58%) of the register of the Services is not indicated their level of provision by the administration. Often the information to provide electronic services and their online marketers is hard to find, there are problems with the registration of users or with loading pages EUA. These difficulties can cause denial of the use of electronic services.

During the reporting period were introduced key new electronic administrative services provided to Bulgarian citizens effective quality control and the grounds for access to their data by institutions. For the period 01.08.2017-31.07.2018, the total new EUA entered in the register of service level to provide 3 or 4 21.

The process of transformation of supporting administrative services in internal e-services in the context of the government's efforts to reduce the administrative burden on citizens and businesses. Environment mezhduregistrov exchange RegiX allows the consultation of the relevant circumstances and verification of the same e ex officio. Part of the issued paper certificates identified by DAEU in 2017 are no longer required from citizens and businesses on application services and data on them are checked automatically electronically through the middle of mezhduregistrov exchange. Suspended the requirement on paper a number of certificates, including a certificate for the presence or absence of obligations for public receivables issued by the "Customs" Agency; for entries markings or deletions in a lot of physical / legal person in the land register issued by the Agency; marital status, issued by the municipal administration; Household husband / wife and children, issued by the municipal administration; Marriage issued by the municipal administration - for persons born after January 1, 1984 and others.

The challenge remains the human resource administration at all levels in the field of eGovernment and ICT. Nearly one third of all administrative authorities rely on the maintenance of their information resources and do not have their own specialists. The large proportion of outsourcing maintenance of information resources leads to high dependency of administrations of external contractors and deprives them of the capacity for adequate response in case of emergencies. Created a number of difficulties in providing network and information security.

Among the main reasons for the insufficient administrative capacity in the field of e-governance and ICT remain high staff turnover, including due to uncompetitive cost to the private sector, lack of opportunities for career development and a lack of incentives and mechanisms for obtaining and maintaining real practical experience and knowledge of the most popular and advanced technological solutions. The challenges can be overcome by outsourcing these functions as shared services and consolidation of specialized units for maintenance and development of ICT at a higher level.

The transition to greater use of horizontal and centralized systems of e-governance and shared resources of e-governance leads to the need to ensure continuity of processes and centralizing the maintenance of a single system operator. In the process of creating a State enterprise "Single System Operator" (DP ESO), which will carry out functions in support of all administrative bodies in the integration of information systems and EUA, interoperability, network and information security processes and quality management .

In 2017/2018, there were extended functionalities of the main systems of e-governance. They work in a real environment and realize the basic principles laid down in the Law on e-governance. It is imperative the government to integrate their information systems with the most important horizontal and centralized systems of e-governance, should be provided the necessary budgetary resources in the next three-year budget period. To ensure the integration of automated information systems of the administrative organs are developed "a model for ordering, payment and delivery of electronic public services" and "integration model with a horizontal system of electronic authentication (eAvtentikatsiya)."

Mezhduregistrov environment for data exchange RegiX enables the automated submission service and standardized applications for internal administrative services (reference for registered circumstances) electronically. Enable a prerequisite for achieving one of the main goals of e-government - complex administrative services to citizens and businesses. As of August 2018 with RegiX connected 63 major registry administered by 25 central government - ministries and executive agencies. Realized are 168 different types of reports to the registers. Action has been taken on the accession of new records and reports to eliminate paper certificates. Most references are made to register duties to the Customs Administration (REZMA) maintained by the Agency "Customs" with over 1 million. summaries for the period August 2017-July 2018 the number of requests for access to records through RegiX for a period of 12 months showed steady growth and in connection with the accelerated transition to full service data exchange. Most inquiries by RegiX were announced by the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Interior, "Customs" Agency and the Social Assistance Agency.

At the same time 265 municipal administrations RegiX are connected only 49. Only 20 of them were active in the past 12 months, activity remains relatively low. In the period April-July 2018 most requests for access to data to RegiX committed Plovdiv Municipality - over 60 000. At the July 2018 applications for accession to the environment for mezhduregistrov exchange by the municipal administrations 87. Measures be up by the end of 2018 to join more municipal governments, as well as increase the volume of requests, given the gradual transition from certification to internal electronic administrative services.

The data clearly necessitate the presence of integrated systems enabling electronic exchange through which performs the duty of all governments to implement the basic principle of eGovernment - single collection and reuse of data.

From November 2018 shall enter into force on the obligation to use fully electronic document through the established and developed by DAEU system for electronic messaging (ICs). As of August 2018 real participants in the electronic document exchange are 470 administrations. The total number of submitted and processed applications for registration or change of circumstances in the register of participants in the electronic document exchange is 678.

In the system for secure electronic service - public electronic administrative service by November 2017 - to August 2018 there were nearly 10 000 users, 420 companies, 90 administrative structures and 32 organizations. All administrations will be required to create their own profiles in the electronic service by the end of 2018, thus significantly expand opportunities for all-digital interaction with administrations.

Administrations use a wide range of administrative and automated information systems that should allow for integration with horizontal and centralized systems of eGovernment and to match the architecture of e-government and the requirements laid down in the EGA and sub-legal framework. Troubling are the findings of the existence and status of the information systems of the administrative bodies - 13.79% of them have no system to document, over 30 per cent of administrations have not established a system for managing human resources, nearly 45% of administrations do not have management system base data. Over 55% of the administrations have systems for document management and content flows through WEB.

In public administration at central and regional level supported a total of 17 797 the number of registers. Of these, 15 013 are related to the provision of administrative services and the remaining 2784 records - in other management activities. A significant part of the electronic registers maintained by the primary data controllers are realized in MS Excel. The state registers as an essential element of the architecture of e-government, does not correspond to their essential for the provision of electronic services and introducing comprehensive administrative services.

As regards the management and storage of data by the administrations, the State Agency "Electronic Governance" (DAEU) analyze the business continuity processes and electronic services of the central administration. A review of the sustainability of the systems and records the processes of backup and recovery capabilities of the data if necessary. A review of 140 administrations with a total volume of backup 496 TB (terabytes). Emphasis should be data maintained by the primary key administrators who enjoy all the other administrations as well as the data that are essential to the provision of EUA.

Unacceptable greater the variety of systems for processing and storage of information and their versions, which requires specific knowledge of each system and version of the system and impose obligations on providing support and guarantees of security and reliability. Much of the critical information kept on Excel or funds which do not fall within the scope of corporate solutions, including MySQL, Access, file structures and others. The management and storage should In broad and versions to unify, to terminate the use of versions that are no longer supported by the manufacturers.

111 administrations have no plan to restore data in accordance with the Ordinance on general requirements for information systems, electronic records and administrative services. For all records and systems with databases should be developed and implemented recovery plans and data backup. The collapse in August 2018 of systems and data maintained by the Registry Agency at the Ministry of Justice, is indicative of the critical state of information resources of the central government in terms of business continuity of IT systems.

Of particular importance is the compulsory maintenance of information systems and databases to regulate legal and obligation to use the shared resources of the State hybrid private cloud (DHCHO) and an electronic communications network for the needs of public administration and national security (EESMDANS ) supported by DAEU. Only in this way will guarantee uninterrupted operation of systems and registers the level of central administration.

We need a new model of financing of eGovernment and ICT in central government, the management of resources should be centralized and priority they are directed to the use of shared solutions.

It is urgent that action be taken to ensure a competitive market remuneration of employees in the sector of e-governance, including the State Agency "Electronic Governance", and to enhance the expertise of the Agency.

During the reporting period, significant efforts were made to increase the overall level of network and information security (NIS) in the administrations of the executive. However, issues related to network and information security are systematically underestimated by most of the administrative authorities.

In 2018, the Agency prepared a draft law on cyber security for transposition into law the provisions of Directive (EC) 2016/1148 of the European Parliament and the Council on measures generally high level of security of networks and information systems in the EU. The checks ascertain major gaps in the CIS valid for most administrative bodies. Among them are lack of documented policies CIS formally assess risk, lack of accepted classification of information and information assets; significant gaps in the implementation of IT processes and activities, and more.

Management of network and information security in much of central administration (nearly 86%) does not apply a systematic approach and sporadically apply protection mechanisms according to the knowledge and skills of staff and availability of funds. At the end of 2017 only 10 central government have established systems for information security management, 7 of them are certified under the standard ISO / EC 27001 and 1 is in the process of certification.

Status report and annual plan for the development and upgrading of information resources outline significant progress in the management, coordination and control of information resources. Efforts are focused on building effective mechanisms for coordination and control of the activities and costs of e-governance and to improve the strategic and regulatory framework.

All administrative bodies sent for prior consultation draft for next year and three-year forecasts for the funds necessary to finance activities in the field of e-governance and ICT. For the first time, the budget for e-governance and ICT in a separate annex in the Budget. Realistically apply a working mechanism for efficient spending of the budget - nearly 6 million. Lev e-Government reallocated to the implementation of priority projects under the budget for 2018 in the budgetary procedure for 2019 for the first time, spending on information systems will be accompanied by information on the site of the cost, manner of implementation, indicative budget with proven predictive value, period of implementation, development or delivery of an information system.

The results of the checks carried out and the reallocation of resources for e-government and ICT, however, impose alarming conclusions. Still no resistance when planning costs for e-government and ICT. Expenditure planning for e-government and ICT is not always based on a preliminary analysis of the actual needs in the administrations of ICT development and opportunities for using already available technology solutions. Lacks internal coordination administrations in planning funds that rely on e-governance and ICT. Bet costs to develop features that are already available through horizontal systems for e-governance, supported by DAEU.

It all administrative bodies to set in their triennial budget estimates for 2019, 2020 and 2021 cost of providing backup and archive data from all records and information systems created and supported by them; integration of systems requiring user identification when requesting and providing EUA horizontal system for e-authentication; technical maintenance and backups of their use of document processing systems and backup of the data contained in those systems, and protection against unwanted software.

Special attention is paid to checks on technical and functional assignments of administrations in the Public Procurement Act to implement the specific requirements set out in the E-Government Act. The efforts are aimed at imposing general requirements for all information systems, integration with supported DAEU horizontal and central systems requirements for backup and more. Over 230 jobs are submitted for attestation of conformity, with more than 130 of them were returned for corrections, but one refused attesting conformity.


In 2019 provides for activities ensuring the integrity of e-governance and the creation of digital administration. They will continue the process of expanding the functionality of the system of administrative authorities, incl. horizontal and centralized e-governance and transition to fully electronic exchange of documents.

With priority in 2019 is to ensure backup and archive data from all records and information systems created and supported by them and activities to enhance the overall level of network and information security.

There will also be the realization of a model for ordering, payment and delivery of EUA for citizens and businesses through the integration of horizontal systems of eGovernment and related requirements necessary IT infrastructure in terms of interoperability and network and information security.

In 2019 the administrative authorities predict costs for the development of eGovernment and ICT totaling 150 634 106 lev most costly administrations have provided for the acquisition of software products and licenses - about 64 million. Lev and hardware and computers - about 22 million. lev provided for in the estimated cost of hardware and computers decreased 2 times compared to forecasts for 2018, while planned expenditures for software licenses increased more than 4 times.

In 2019, efforts will be aimed at introducing a comprehensive operation in the horizontal system of e-governance, as well as enforcing the principle of mandatory integration in them. Persons falling within Article. 1, para. 1 and Art. 2 para. 2 LEG should apply the process set out in a pattern for filing, payment and delivery of electronic public services in the development and / or upgrade their information systems. Will continue expanding the functionality of existing horizontal systems and building new, including development of a portal for access to the EUA; development of a prototype system for electronic forms; development of electronic payment system; expanding mezhduregistroviya exchange reference and certification information by RegiX and others.

It is envisaged that the introduction of key new electronic management information systems, records and portal solutions. These include Information System preliminary, ongoing and follow-up as appropriate in the field of e-governance; public electronic register of projects and activities in the field of eGovernment and ICT administrations and portal access to resources for development of software systems for e-governance.

Regarding the development and updating of shared information resources of e-government in 2019 provides for the development of data centers and state-building hybrid private cloud (DHCHO). It will be built and the Center for Data Recovery Disaster Management (Disaster Recovery Center), which will be installed technology components for backup and recovery of data.

Will continue phasing connecting municipal centers ( "gray and dark areas") as an electronic communications network. In 2018 already started the procedure of providing connecting 50 municipal administrations.

In the area of network and information security in 2019 is set modernization of the institutional framework in accordance with the provisions in the draft law on cybersecurity, including the creation of a national single point of contact, National Competent Authority, National Cyber Situation Center and others.


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