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BG-RO E-Governet Cross-border Platform for Administrative Services

Project BG-RO E-GoverNet - Development of an information network to ease the cooperation between public authorities, NGOs, business and citizens in the cross-border region Bulgaria-Romania is co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund under the Interreg V-A Romania - Bulgaria Programme
Project value (ERDF): 311 794,00 EUR
search institutions
Provided by district administrations
1960 Issue of an Order to seize a state property that is possessed or held without justification, which is used for no purpose or need of which has failed
1963 Records of real estate registers and books - private and public state property
1965 Issuance of certificates that the property has been written off from the State Property Records
1970 Drawing up State-Owned State Acts of Plots included in the Parcel Plans of the Business Courts
1971 Marking of actions for management and granting of concession of real estate in the prepared acts for state property.
1972 Issuance of a certificate for the presence or absence of an act of state property ownership
1973 Drawing up of acts for private state property of departments, ministries and others.
1978 Issuance of certified copies of contracts, orders and other documents of interest to natural and legal persons, from the State Property Archive
1979 Issuance of a certificate of the existence or absence of claims for reimbursement of property
1983 Drawing up an act for correction of a state property act
1985 Drawing up of documents for public state ownership of departments, ministries and others
2388 Reflection of changes in circumstances on constituted acts of state ownership
2529 Permits for use of medicinal plants
1961 Authorization of development plans covering areas belonging to more than one municipality or providing for the construction of sites of regional importance
2389 Enable the elaboration of a complex project for investment initiative
1962 Issuance of a certificate for commissioning a building
1964 Issue of sketches from the archives of the regional administrations
1966 Issue of an authorization order or refusal to amend a detailed development plan covering areas falling under more than one municipality or providing for the construction of sites of regional significance
1967 Coordination of conceptual investment projects for sites of the technical infrastructure with scope and importance for more than one municipality
1968 Approval of an investment project - filming of completed construction
1969 Registration of a technical passport for construction
1974 Issuance of construction permit for sites of the technical infrastructure with scope and importance for more than one municipality and / or for sites of regional importance
1975 Issue of order for approval of amendments to an approved investment project
1976 Re-approval of building permit
1977 Reflection of a notice for issued building permit for amendments to the approved investment project within the scope of the significant deviations under para.
1980 Adoption of executive documentation, reflecting the minor changes in the approved investment project
1981 Approval of technical and working investment projects for sites of the technical infrastructure with scope and importance for more than one municipality and / or sites of regional importance
1982 Issuance of spatial planning certificates
1984 Approval of the parts of the complex project for investment initiative and issuance of a building permit
1986 Enable the elaboration of a sampling plan from the Detailed Development Plan
2469 Issue of an Order for the establishment of a single right of passage / deviation from common networks and facilities of the technical infrastructure through property - state property.
2134 Issuance of a certificate of insurance income
2133 Issuance of a certificate of employment and / or professional experience to insured persons UP3
0001 Consultations representing a legitimate interest of a natural or legal person regarding the administrative-legal regime
0002 Providing access to public information
0003 Specification of differences between issued certificate for insurance income UP2 and data about the insured person from the information system of the National Social Security Institute
Provided by municipal administrations
1996 Issuance of a permit for felling of more than 5 (five) trees and vineyards over 1 hectare
2031 Issue of permits for felling of long-lasting ornamental trees and trees of historical significance
2046 Expert assessment of wood and shrub vegetation
2067 Coordination of investment projects of buildings and facilities of the technical infrastructure with regard to planned development activities in view of the functional purpose and proper operation
2068 Issuance of a ticket for transportation of harvested timber outside the forest territories
2102 Issue of a permit for the transfer of vegetation
2032 Change of the purpose of the agricultural lands and inclusion in the construction boundaries of the settlements
2099 References (oral and written) from the cadastre
2118 Registration of owners' associations in the municipal register
2119 Issuance of Certificates of Facts and Circumstances for Territorial and Urban Structure
2120 Reflect Changes to the Schedule to a Cadastre Plan
2399 Re-enactment of a sketch, of which 6 months have elapsed
2097 Verification of compliance with the defined line of construction, recording and plotting of technical infrastructure networks and facilities
2098 Verification of compliance of the construction with the issued building papers and for the detailed development plan to be applied in relation to the construction
2667 Approval of a Waste Management Plan and / or a Safety and Health Plan
1998 Issuance of a certificate of presence or lack of obligations under the Local Taxes and Fees Act
2013 Issue of documents relevant to the recognition, exercise or extinction of rights or obligations under the Local Taxes and Fees Act
2014 Issuance of a certificate of the due amount of the patent tax
2071 Issuance of a certificate for declared data
2091 Issuance of a certificate of inheritance tax payable and paid
2124 Issuance of a copy of the submitted tax return
2125 Providing tax and insurance information
2126 Validation of documents on local taxes and fees for abroad
2131 Issuance of a transcript of a vehicle tax document
2393 Issuance of a certificate for tax assessment of the right of construction
2395 Issuance of a certificate for tax assessment of right of use
2396 Issuance of a certificate for tax assessment of immovable property and unfinished construction
2397 Issuance of a copy of a document for paid property tax and a municipal waste tax
2015 Notary authentication of signatures of private documents, which are unilateral acts and are not subject to registration
2072 Notary authentication of transcripts and extracts from documents and papers
2094 Notarial authentication of the contents of the signature and the contents of a power of attorney under Art.
1987 Providing data on the civil registration of state bodies and institutions
4 Official issue of a legal limitation certificate
1997 Issuance of a current address certificate at an already registered current address
1999 Issuance of a civil marriage certificate - original
2000 Issue of a multilingual extract from a civil status act
2016 Issuance of inheritance certificate
2017 Issuance of a marriage certificate from a Bulgarian citizen abroad
2019 Issuance of a transcript of an act of death - for the first time
2020 Issuance of a certified copy or a copy of a personal registration card or page of the family register of the population
2033 Restore or change a name
2034 Issuance of a copy-extract of the death certificate for the second and subsequent time
2036 Issuance of a spouse and sister certificate
2037 Issuance of a civil marriage certificate - duplicate
2038 Issuance of a certificate of lack of a completed civil status act (birth certificate, death certificate)
2039 Issuance of a transcript of a family register kept until 1978
2040 Reflection of choice or change of matrimonial property regimes
2052 Issuance of birth certificate - original
2053 Recognizing a child
2056 Issuance of change certificate at permanent address registered after 2000
2057 Issuance of a certificate for mother-born children
2058 Issuance of references at the request of bailiffs
2073 Issuance of a certificate for the supply of a foreign citizen with a document for marriage in the Republic of Bulgaria
2074 Issuing a current address certificate for the first time
2075 Issuance of a certificate of marital status, spouse and children
2076 Issuance of birth certificate - duplicate
2077 Issuance of a certificate for entry in the population registers
2079 Issuance of a permanent address certificate after filing an application or changing the permanent address
2080 Drawing up civil status documents of Bulgarian citizens who have acts drawn up abroad
2092 Issuance of identity certificate to a person of different names
2104 Issuance of a certificate of changes to a current address registered after 2000
2107 Issuance of a current address certificate after submitting an address card for requesting or changing a current address
2108 Issue of a Legal Restriction Certificate
2109 Issuance of a certificate of marital status
2110 Validation of civil status documents abroad
2128 Issuance of a permanent address at a registered permanent address
2129 Issuing a permanent address certificate for the first time
2132 Change in civil status acts
2390 Completing and checking documents to a request for establishment of Bulgarian citizenship
2391 Issuance of guardianship and trusteeship certificates (established by the order of Article 155 of the Civil Procedure Code and by law - under Article 173 of the Civil Procedure Code)
2138 Official issue of a certificate for entry in the population register
2100 Issuance of permission to place advertising and information items
2101 Issuance of permission for special use of the road by construction of advertising equipment
2121 Issuance of a permit for special use through the operation of advertising equipment within the scope of the road and the service areas
2006 Measurement, cubing and marking of wood harvested outside the forest fund
2007 Issue of Certificate of Herbs from Cultivated Medicinal Plants
2029 Registration of owners of bees and bee families (carried out by mayoralties)
2030 Certification of questionnaires to a survey card for registration of agricultural producers in the Regional Directorate "Agriculture"
2045 Issuance of a permit for access to forest areas
2066 Issuance of a permit for the use of medicinal plants
2086 Issuance of a permit for felling and grubbing up to 5 trees and up to 1 ha of vineyards in agricultural land
2093 Issuance of a prescription for the guidance of household and construction waste
2106 Issuance of a certificate for entry in the register of a person who has submitted a permit for private veterinary practice
2122 Issuance of a certificate of ownership of agricultural land from an agricultural register
2127 Acceptance and processing of applications for drafting proposals to the municipal council for granting personal pensions
2011 Designation of a place for the stop, which will be used by the carrier on international bus lines
2012 Issuance of a card for free parking of vehicles servicing people with disabilities and using of facilities for parking
2051 Route designation and driving license for vehicles carrying oversized loads
2070 Issuance of a permit for special use of the road through construction of new and repair of existing underground and aboveground line or separate standing facilities in the road
2103 Issuance of a permit for special use of the road by temporary use of parts of the roadway and of land in the road
2394 Co-ordination of traffic organization (OR) and parking, traffic lights, changes in the existing ODS and operating regime of traffic lights at the request of natural and legal persons
2008 Registration of changes in the circumstances for categorized catering and entertainment establishments and issuance of a certificate
2009 Issuance of a permit for special use of the road by construction of a commercial road link and road connections to it
2010 Issuance of permit for the use of swimming pool during the summer season
2035 Issuance of passes for entering areas and streets restricted to the movement of road vehicles
2047 Categorization of accommodation and accommodation
2048 Entry of changes in the circumstances for categorized shelter or accommodation accommodation and issuance of a certificate
2049 Issuance of permit for the use of seaside during the summer season
2050 Termination of category of tourist site
2069 Issue of a permit for taxi transport of passengers and holographic stickers for cars
2087 Registration of vehicles with animal thrust
2088 Categorization of catering and entertainment establishments
2089 Confirm or change the category of a tourist site
2090 Issuance of a permit for special use of the road through the operation of a commercial road link and road links to it
2123 Issuance of a tourist category category certificate - duplicate
2715 Issuance of duplicate authorization for the carriage of passengers by taxi
1988 Issuance of certificate for derecognition of property from the property books - municipal property, or for restored municipal property
2021 Issuance of a certificate of the existence or non-existence of claims for the restitution of the immovable property
2022 Reference concerning the distribution of common parts of the common parts of condominiums
2059 Issuance of a seizure order
2078 Issuance of a certificate for the presence or absence of a drawn up municipal property act
2081 Issuance of a certificate of ownership of real estate
2095 References to the legal books and issuance of certified copies of municipal property documents
2105 Establishment of housing needs - filing and issuing a certificate
2398 Issuance of a certificate for filing of citizens under the procedure of the Housing Relations Act (revoked) with residential needs under Art.
2470 Reflection of the change in the lists of citizens with multi-year residential housing deposits
1989 Issuance of permits for placement of movable objects
1990 Implementation of construction control at opening of construction site and determination of building line and level of construction
1991 Issuance of certificates that the separate units or parts correspond to approved investment projects for the implementation of a voluntary partition
1992 Inclusion of agricultural land within the boundaries of the urbanized territories
1993 Issuance of permit for use of water objects - public municipal property, except for the permits under Art.
1995 Entry in the Register of a Construction Passport
2001 Allowing the elaboration of projects for amendment of detailed development plans
2002 Issuance of a certificate and a sketch on properties to be restored within the boundaries of the urbanized territories
2003 Issuance of a permit for use by exploitation in special road use
2004 Issuance of a permit for water abstraction from waters, including from dams and micro-reservoirs and mineral waters - public municipal property, as well as from mineral water deposits - exclusive state property, which are granted free of charge for management and use by the municipalities
2005 Establishment of a one-off right to pass and / or to pass a facility of the technical infrastructure through a property-municipal property
2018 Certificate of administrative address of landed properties
2023 Coordination of conceptual investment projects
2024 Approval of the project-filming of approved construction when the approved investment projects are lost
2025 Enable the elaboration of a complex project for investment initiative
2026 Acceptance and verification of transmission of executive documentation
2027 Issuance of real estate sketches
2028 Change of the designation of land properties in forest areas of the municipal forest fund
2041 Issuance of building permit in landed properties in forest areas without change of purpose
2042 Issuance of permits for excavation of street and pavement pavements and inner quarters (for constructions with a valid building permit)
2043 Issuance of a warrant for the establishment of the right to route deviations from common networks and facilities to the technical infrastructure through foreign real estate
2044 Prior agreement for the provision of facilities on the technical infrastructure
2055 Approval of an investment project for a court partition with ECT
2060 Issuance of permit for elaboration of detailed development plans
2061 Admission of amendments to an approved investment project
2062 Registration and commissioning of construction works, issuance of a certificate of commissioning for the types of constructions of IV and V category
2063 Issuing of protocols of findings and certificates of degree of completion of works
2064 Issuing an order for access to real estate
2065 Approval of Protocol for Validation of Size and Terrain for Reclamation
2082 Identity Certificates of a Regulated Landed Property
2083 Issue sketch-visa for study and design
2084 Issue of building tolerance certificate
2085 Issuance of a certificate for the application of newly built buildings in the existing cadastral plan under Art. 54a para. 3 of the CPRA, in connection with Art.175 of the TDA
2096 Certification of buildings and issuance of an order for removal / repair or consolidation / of construction, unfit for use or threatened by self-collapsing
2111 Making inquiries of interested persons regarding amendments to development plans and schemes
2112 Issuance of a building permit
2113 Re-approval of a construction permit which has expired due to expiry
2114 Issuance of an order for the establishment of a right to pass through foreign landed properties
2115 Filling out / correcting a cadastral plan
2116 Passing a temporary road to regulated landed property that has face on designed new streets
2117 Approval of a detailed development plan
2130 Issuance of building permit without approval of investment projects
2517 Validation of copies of documents and copies of plans and documentation to them
2518 Modification of a plan of newly formed properties
2519 Issuance of a certified copy of a decision of the Municipal Expert Council
Recognition and enforcement of a judgment or other act of a foreign court or other body
2784 Entry in the Register of Local Divorces
Recording for reception days of Mayor and Deputy Mayor
Signals and suggestions to the municipal administration
Statement of obligations and payment of taxes and fees
Delivered reference
County Council Service
Urban certificate
Authorization for Construction / Disposal
Construction / Disposal Authorization for organizing the execution of the works
Urban planning authorization for the start / end of works
Building permit fee
Certificate of construction / extension certification
Opportunity notice (opportunity for something to be built)
Town planning documentation
County transport program
The route license for the county public passenger transport services
Authorizations for traffic on county roads
Collective Announcements
Payment Somata
Enforcement documents
Social Marginalization Prevention
Placement centers
Comprehensive evaluation service for adults with disabilities
Payment of social benefits
Placement Centers for children
Complex evaluation service of children
Intervention service in situations of abuse, neglect and domestic violence
Intervention service for traffic, migration, repatriation, exploitation and street assistance people
Child Case Management (for children without parents or children that have been abused, etc.)
Provision of personal data
Identity documents
Birth registration
Registration of marriage
Family book
The record of death
Change name
Corrections and Transcripts
Civil Status Forms
Center for keeping and preserving local cutoms and traditions
Guarding of Objects and Goods
Accompanying and protecting value transports
Anti-Fraud Monitoring
Nuclear and / or radiological emergencies
Chemical accidents with off-site implications
Serious damage of communal household systems
Uncontrolled explosions of ammunition left during military conflicts
City Hall Service
Retirement clubs
Overdue rights
Community support
Social benefits
Clean the city
Wheel lock
Stop the irregularities
Abandoned vehicles
Evidence of persons
Marital status
Online payment of taxes
Online payment of fines
Online tax certificate
Online statements
Etax mobile
Subscribing to the audience
Find out where your request is/ Status of your request
Check your tax certificate
Check the car registration plate
Check your traffic authorizations
Regulations on the organization and conduct of activities
Centralizator necessary documents (a place оn the city hall website where one can find all the documents that he/she need for a specific issue)
Documents required for authorization
List of valid authorizations issued
Local regulation of urbanism
Documents required for authorization
Register Construction Authorizations
Registry Termination Authorizations
Registry Urbanism Certificate
Documentation required for natural gas installation
Announcements - Requests for public utility networks and road development
List of public debates on urban issues
Centralizer of public intervention work
Technical Commission for Urbanism and Spatial Planning
Offers for sale land outside
Documents required for authorization
Information to farmers
Find out where your request is
Send online notifications
Pay the fines online
Pay the street tram tax online
Submit requests online
BG-RO E-Governet Cross-border Platform for Administrative Services

Local Authorities in Bulgaria

The Law on Local Self-Government and Local Administration defines local authorities in Bulgaria as the main administrative-territorial units, in which local self-government takes place. Local self-government is carried out by the district and municipal administration.

As the main administrative-territorial unit, in which local self-government takes place, the Constitution defines the municipality. The municipalities can independently form their own management structure and independently form the personal composition of their bodies. The local self-government in the municipality is expressed in the right of the citizens, either individually or through bodies chosen by them, within the competence granted to them to solve issues of local importance.

The district, is an administrative-territorial unit that coordinates the activities in the economic, social and cultural sector through the regional administration. It is governed by a governor appointed by the government. There are 28 districts in Bulgaria. In the cross-border area Bulgaria - Romania there are 8 regional administrations.

Local government in Romania

Local Councils of municipalities in Romania are a deliberative authority with headquarters in each municipality. The Local Council consists of councillors elected through universal, equal, direct and free vote, under the conditions provided by the Law of Local Elections. The mayor in charge of a municipality is elected according to the law and validated by the court. The mayor performs a position of public authority, under the law. The mayor ensures the observance of the fundamental rights and liberties of the citizens, the provisions of the Constitution, the implementation of the laws, the decrees of the President of Romania, the decisions and ordinances of the Government and the decisions of the Local Council. In order to implement the competencies given by the above normative acts, the mayor benefits from a specialized apparatus that he leads and he is assisted by two deputy mayors, a public administrator and a secretary of the municipality (a public civil servant). The mayor, the deputy mayor, the public administrator, the secretary of the municipality together with the specialty apparatus represent the CITY HALL OF A MUNICIPALITY, a functional structure with permanent activity that fulfills the decisions of the Local Council and the provisions of the mayor, solving the current problems of the local community. There are 7 counties in the cross-border area Bulgaria - Romania.