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BG-RO E-Governet Cross-border Platform for Administrative Services


MEU and business will discuss the level of cyber security and cyber defense in our country

Tomorrow - October 25, the Ministry of e-Government, business representatives, institutions and experts will discuss a comprehensive picture of the state of the level of cyber security and cyber protection on the part of businesses in our country.

For this purpose, MEU prepared a questionnaire aimed entirely at the private sector in Bulgaria. The results of the survey, which will be presented during the round table, will show to what extent and how small and medium-sized businesses in Bulgaria deal with cyber attacks and what is the level of their cyber protection. During the discussion, experiences will be shared on how businesses deal with cybersecurity challenges, as well as the responsibilities of protecting the databases they work with.

The round table is part of a number of MEU events related to the European Cyber ​​Security Month in our country. This year, the initiative of ENISA - the European Agency for Cybersecurity, celebrates its tenth anniversary. In the year 2022, the main theme of all activities is dedicated to ransomware and phishing attacks.

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