New strategies, techniques and methods in data sharing policy are needed
The challenge now facing the world is to continue to put together the puzzle in the field of data sharing policy at a rapid pace by developing strategies and using different techniques and methods, even if we sometimes have to rely on the test method. error.
Data is a key resource for economic growth, competitiveness, innovation and job creation. Therefore, when creating data-driven applications that will benefit citizens and businesses, we must first identify and assess the different consumer and market needs. It is expected that multi-stakeholder management schemes will be developed. Unfortunately, the model is used incompletely and inefficiently, oriented to the whole spectrum of users - public administration, business, NGOs, academia, citizens. It is no coincidence that the European Data Strategy focuses on putting people first in the development of new technologies, said Svetlogor Kirov. He drew attention to the fact that, despite the rules and requirements introduced in the last few years, full interoperability between systems, registers and technology solutions to realize the potential for digital transformation of the public and research sectors has not yet been achieved.
Kirov also highlighted the challenges and opportunities in the context of data management and data sharing policy. From a legal point of view, these are the establishment of legal obligations and clear conditions when it comes to sensitive data; consideration of contractual obligations, including property rights, governing the collection, use and disclosure of data; creating better and balanced regulatory tools that do not hinder but stimulate innovation and research in data sharing. From a financial point of view, the challenges are the reluctance to invest in data sharing due to high financial costs and the lack of a guarantee of immediate return or quick visible results; avoiding real or perceived financial conflicts of interest. At the same time, it is possible to use and combine investments and funds from the EU budget, including the Mechanism for Reconstruction and Sustainability, national budgets and the private sector. There are many technical challenges to cybersecurity, in the context of storing less data in data centers and more data disseminated in a comprehensive way, closer to the user; insufficient maturity in the layers of syntactic and semantic interoperability, language barriers.
A national reference architecture is needed for interoperability in line with the European one, said Svetlogor Kirov and pointed out that such a project is currently underway. In 2022, another project related to the development of a horizontal geospatial reference architecture will be launched, in line with the European Commission's ELISE project (a project dedicated to location interoperability solutions) and the results of the work of the Committee of Experts on Management. Global Geospatial Information (UN-GGIM).
The two-day forum for big data and artificial intelligence 2021 is organized jointly by the GATE Institute, Bulgaria and Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
The published results of the Open Data Maturity Report for 2021 and the Report itself can be seen HERE
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