We will now access the services of the administration through a mobile phone
The aim is to make it easier for citizens to become active participants in eGovernment.
For the two years since the establishment of the State Agency for Electronic Governance (DAEU), we have achieved little results and created tools that have accelerated the transformation process of the administration. Access to the Single Administrative Services Gateway (https://egov.bg/wps/portal/) supported by the Agency is now also possible with a personalized Cloud and Mobile Qualified Electronic Signature (QPS) that can be used by any point of the world with internet access. This was announced by Atanas Temelkov, President of the National Agency for Electronic Communications, in the real-time presentation of e-services through a mobile device. The electronic identification, which has been widely spoken recently, will now be easy and accessible through a mobile smart device, he added.
The eGovernment priority is the services for citizens and businesses. By 2023, they must have centralized electronic access to more than 850 electronic services, Temelkov explained. According to Gallup International's latest survey of public attitudes towards e-government in Bulgaria, 75 per cent of respondents did not use e-services and had contacts with only "on-the-desk" administrations. At the same time, more than 5.5 million citizens use mobile internet. This lack of communication can change. Accessing e-services and signing documents with cloudy QES will make it easier for every citizen to work with the administration. Conditions are created for secure identification and a unified way of accessing the services provided by different institutions. This solution will significantly optimize state and business spending to create, maintain and use electronic identification tools. It will also provide a secure way to verify the identity of users until personal documents are introduced as a means of electronic identification, the chairman of the ESAE said.
The identification and access to various e-services through a secure mobile application with QES is in partnership with the only two Bulgarian companies that offer certified qualified, qualified, e-signature at an affordable price - BORICA AD and EuroTrust Technologies AD.
Citizens and business can now interact fully digitally with administrations - through the Electronic Web Service. Nearly 19,000 are registered users in the system. Of these, more than 90 companies are, more than 700 administrations.
The main registers and systems of the central administration are already linked through the RegiX registers. There are 165 types of reports from 62 registers of central administrations, reported Atanas Temelkov. More than 2,000,000 transactions for access to certification and reference information are provided on average monthly through RegiX. Half of them are for the needs of the state administration. The system actually saves time and effort to obtain, verify, and process the data. The possible annual savings in funds from the Wage Fund amounted to nearly BGN 5,000,000. Also, through this 2018 system, citizens can control how institutions use their data - what data, on what basis and for what purpose. This service is a powerful tool for civilian control over the institutions, the chairman of the EASE believes.
The paper exchange between administrations has been abolished nationwide between all administrative structures. Nearly 1,000 of them exchange documents entirely electronically, which is the first successfully applied measure to limit the paper administration. The average monthly turnover of one central administration with other institutions reached nearly 2 300 letters. All of them are now exchanged electronically. This means saving nearly 100 tons of paper per year and about 220,000 leva per year on average for administrative expenses. With the suspension of the paper exchange, the time for the registration of one document and the return of the reply is shortened nearly 6 times.
Atanas Temelkov stressed the importance of feedback from citizens and businesses on the use of electronic administrative services. Suggestions to improve the performance of the administration can be sent through the e-Service system (https://edelivery.egov.bg/).
BORICA, with its B-Trust service, is one of the first providers of certification services in the country since 2003. From the very beginning, we have been partnering with the State in various initiatives related to the provision of electronic services to citizens and businesses, "said Krasimir Georgchev, Sales Director at BORICA, but today access to these services is easier and more convenient than ever, as the only necessary condition is the presence of cloud-based electronic signature, mobile phone and internet connection, he added.
Prof. Georgi Dimitrov, Member of the EUROTRAST Board of Trustees shared his pride that Bulgaria is developing this unique new technology, known as Mobile or Cloud Qualified Electronic Signature. It is a legally regulated instrument for every citizen to identify and sign their documents without the need for special knowledge and skills, using only what everyone has - their smart smartphone. Issuing the signature with Eurotrust is free of charge as well as the first 5 signatures, and the use is easy and easy to use. He expressed his personal satisfaction that the DAEU provided such modern and secure tools to citizens for the services of the state administration.
Source: e-gov.bg
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