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Centralized provision of a wide range of electronic services foresees the first sectoral strategies for e-government

Centralized provision of a wide range of electronic services and full digital interaction with users provides for the first sectoral strategies for e-government approved by the President of the SEEA - the Customs Agency and the NSSI.

Centralized provision of a wide range of electronic services and full digital interaction with users provides for the sectoral e-government strategies approved by the Chair of the State Agency for Electronic Governance (DAEU) - the Customs Agency and the National Social Security Institute (NSSI).

The Updated Sectoral Strategy for the Development of e-Governance in the Customs Agency e-Customs 2016-2025 and the newly developed Sectoral Strategy for e-Governance Development of the National Insurance Institute "e-Insurance" 2018-2023 were agreed successfully within the Expert Council for Integration of Information Resources to the Chairperson of the State Agency for Research and Technology and in compliance with the provisions of the Electronic Governance Act (Article 7c, items 4 and 11 of the Law on the EEU). The two strategic documents define the overall vision of the two eGovernment administrations based on realistic and achievable goals and concrete steps.

The Customs Agency plans to introduce new electronic services with a high social effect and to link them with AM's specialized information systems, to promote awareness and support of consumers in the use of e-services and to increase their accessibility, envisages the e-Customs Strategy by 2025 year. The document binds the achievements of the e-government customs administration with both national and European strategic initiatives to modernize EU customs legislation, e-Customs and e-Excise - for a new electronic customs environment, for wholly electronic communication in the customs an area in the EU.

The sectoral strategy for the development of e-government at the National Social Security Institute - "e-Insurance" 2018-2023 and the road map for its implementation develop the vision for the sector in five strategic directions. These include developing business models for automating workflows, integrating registers, digitizing sources of social security information; phased development and introduction of the Institutional Architecture of NSSI; interoperability and inter-departmental exchange of information and data with other departments as well as centralized provision of electronic administrative and directory services through the Single Electronic Services Portal of NSSI.

Over the next five years NSSI envisages the improvement of existing systems within the scope of the Unified Social Security Information System, the establishment and development of an Integrated Information System on Pensions and the functioning of a comprehensive Electronic Insurance File. Until 2023, the Unified Social Security Information System of NSSI will be linked to horizontal and centralized eGovernment systems. It is also envisaged to develop a comprehensive Concept for Development of Reference-Analytical Platform of NSSI.

The development of sectoral strategies, objectives and activities at the level of state authorities and territorial administrations, as an element of the overall strategy for the development of e-government in the Republic of Bulgaria, is a priority in the e-governance policy in 2018.


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